Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

4414, ufeof the Sacraments, ut convenatu adminifirextur; which by him appears to have been the judgement of Collviu, and is affirmed to be the confiant pradice of molt of the Re- formed Churches : And thecontrary praCtice, as it may feem to favour, and be a means to nourifh fome Popifh conceits con. cenning either Sacrament, the reliques whereof remain with manyamong us : fo being in Come cafes admitted , it may bring in many inconveniences, one requiring the like privi- ledge as well as another, and much murmurings and heart- burning% that it is not alike condefcended to, though the cafes be not alike. Yea it is apparent already, that where way hath been given thereunto, others expeding aud exatling the fame liberty,. moft Baptifms in many places are become private : as alfo private Communions are grown very common defired moft by ignorant or Popifhly affeeted people. For the Obje- etionfrom the childrenof Believers right to Baptifin ; I fup- pofe the Anfwer not difficult : True, where it may fitly , and with due conveniency be had : nor conceive I, under fubmiffi- on to better judgement, that the examples of the Eunuch ba- ptizedby Philip, or the Jayler by Paul, are ofmuch force here, to infer the likeufage andpraaice in fetled and embodied Con!, gregations. And for the other Sacrament which is a more fpecial badge and profeffion of our mutual communion with that body politick whereof we are members, it feems the rather to require a publick Convention : neither feems there to appear in Scripture any the leaft track or intimation of any admini- ftration of this Sacrament, fave at times and in places ofpublick Convention. Thus, Sir, I have been bold, according toyour requeftito acquaint you oiith my thoughts herein, without preindi, any, that may herein diffent from me, and with fulamiffioxi mine opinion to further information from others that may, be either quicker lighted, or better experienced in hufineffes of this nature, beinga matter not fe much ofneceffity as ofconve- niency andexpediency, wherein the fcale in ironic cafes may tura either way. The Lord, Sir, vouehfafe to give a bleffing unto the prefent bufinefs : and to fupport and firengthen you both in body and mind; that you may be yet further ufefull unto his people, as by we.