byyour conftznt courfes and indefatigable endeavours hitherto you have been. That which is and fhall be the hearty prayer of him ; who earneftly craves of you the like Chriflian office at theThrone of grace in his behalf , that he may be fnitained and enabled to itand upright in thefe faltring and deficient dayes, that theclofe of his frail and fainty condition, which he appre- bendeth near at hand, may be accompanied with inward com. fort and peace; and whofe defire is hereby to acknowledge bimfelf XederithJuily zo. I 6 s 3. Yourunworthy Fellow-fervant, and defervedly high efteemer of your felf andyour , fruitful! Labours ThawGatake,4 f `POSTSCRIPT. SIR, FALkeit 'cannot pre(entyou With ought of mine equivalent, or of like life toeither ofyours, yet I /hall intreatyou to accept *finch aferry Piece , asforge kinde ofneceffity loath extorted from me, which With thefe you fihal receive: The defect of my memory much failingme, asyou may eugly defcry dy my frequent !villa-, kings, Iohich I hope you Will excufe.