Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

4). sq141M, #84%s:'``Ahitr/rNIAMts An: j li;z5 6'11Vir5Qe4 (3-n Mr qatakers fecond Letters Declaring his JUDGEML,NT O F M Y P L G Y. Worthy Sir, Ours of May 24. together with your very welcome prefent (for both which I return you many thanks, a Corry requital) came to my-hands 7uxe upon receipt whereof, perceiving by the Title that it contained rinch variety and ftore of fuch matter, as I much &fired to fee dealt in by fome able hand and pen, and deemed none fitter in divers refpcds Co undertake then your felt; I prefently felting all other bafineffes addreffed my felt- unto the curfory perufal of the feveral parcels. That which I purportly made choife of to begn with; was that debate with Mr Koral!, the rather, becaufe I had heard both the Work and Workman by fome highly extolled, though had never ken either ; and a religious Gentlewoman fometime vifiting me, among other dif- courfe, related unto me, that underftanding that notice was gi- ven of an Ordination of Minifters to be on fuch a day in fuch a place, and repairing. early thither to get a convenient room,the better to fee the whole carriage of that folemnperformanee,the de* *