demanded of the Clerk (as they term him) who ofEcioufly tended her, Who Was the Pallor of the place?' who anfwered her, it was one Dr Kendal, a gallant Preacher, one that had written againft Mr Baxter ; and by occafion thereofasking me, who that Mr Baxter was ; I told her,if the would but read fuch a work of yours, which I ufed to commend to my friends, and had been fometime long fi nee commendedmuch to me by a pi- ous Kinfwoman, that profeffed to have received no fn-:all be- nefit and comfort by it, (whenas I had not fo much 7ts heard of your name before, though of another of the fame name, no; thing likeyou) the might loon come to know both who, and what manner of man you were. Howbeit in read;ng over Mr Fyn' s Vinsl cia, lighting on a ftrange Expofirion of that Scripture- phrafe, in Godsfight, cited out of him, there. began to arife fame doubt in my minds, whether the mans 'foundnefi of judgement might be all out anfwerable to the high report railed of him, and abated with me much of the efteern, that I had formerly entertained of him. Nor dol finde it much im- proved again with rne, by his whole Digreflion read over, as I finde it related here in your Book.; notwithstanding that, Tan- quamMartim ancgeeis, Nce medi,4plea parte hves treReto in au- aaa, Deficit crime nerneu ; and as one mounted up into Come lofty Chair, he feem to calf his eye down on his Adverfary, whom lie Lail' pickcd our to oppofe, as one fitting beneath at his footftool, or lying far below him on the ground ; whom he therefore frequently turns offrather with ironies then with Ar- guments. But fuch high- flown fpirits I have fo oft obferved, to be large promifers and fcant performers; that aped me magna fidtm promifra levant ; and I fee them fometime, while they strive to thew their rank wits flip into filch abfurdities, as other of weaker brains and fhallower capacities are able eafily to defcry and difcover the folly and vanity of, while they pleafe and pride then-delves in them, and look that other fhould ap, plaid them. Having difpatched your Debate with him , I went on to the enfuing ones, in whom, as in the former, many paffages I could not reade but with much indignation, divers not without laughter. And truly, Sir, it Vexed me not a little, to think how you were fallen into the hands, not ciaOrn, on- ly, but as the Apoftle fpeaks, a d7(7ray, civef4ieep avorisnw, fuch