fuch as feem to have laid afide in their dealing with you, not Chriitianity andcharity alone, but even common civility, inge- nuity, humanity, and flame and yet withall could I not for.. bear to laugh at their folly,that had no more wit and difcretion, then by fuch manner ofdealing fo inconfiderately to lay open their own nakednefs, an f expole themfelves in like iffue unto contempt even with the meaneft,lofi rig much of that reputation with fober-minded men at leaft,that before by their parts other- wayes they had gained,while by fuch unchriftian, unfeemly and unfavourycarriages they leek to improve and inhance it.But you have, Sir, for the main matters in conteft between you and them, befides their reproachful! and cheating courfes (for they are many of them no other, no better) fo put it home to them, that you have throng* and abundantly vindicated your felf, caufe and credit, from their falfe and frivolous afperfions, with all not gray fore flailed and palpably partial; and I fuppoie they will have little luft (thole later ofthem above pointed at, I mean, that yet furvive) to reply ought, unlefs they have fo brazed the fore-head, that they regard not at all, what men deem or fay ofthem, fo they may feem to fay fomewhat, and have the laft word : Which is, I doubt, in part the difpofition ofthat grand Championof the Antipcedobaptifix (for an Ana. baptift he will not yet be termed) who ( as I am enformed ) bath lately publlibed a Work of chat fubjed in way ofAufwer to a whole half dozen of oppofites, whereof you are Paid to be one. For your Confeffion i I fhould have been glad to have feen it, and fhall be right glad to fee it, when it fball come abroad. But I heard nothing at all from your Bookfdler concerning it: your Letter and Bookbeing brought over to me by a poor wo- man, whom he made ufe of for the delivery of it, whohaving delivered it, made no ftay. Nor do I fappofe that it needed any perufal of mine, not likely to contain any matter of moment, that would require change : and if fome phrafe or form. of fpeech fhould have occurred, concerning fome notion, which inother terms I fhould have deemed more fitly expreffed, yet might your own expreffions feem the fitter to you, as mine to me ; nor would the matter in likelihood have been of that im- portance, as might countervail either the delay of the Work, ** 2 being CA.