being already in part wrought off, or the damage neceffarily incurred , by either the flay of the Prefs, or reprinting, while Letters atfbch diftance paffe viciffirn to and fro. Otherwife I fbould not have been nice of affording that office, though leffe needful!, to one, whom I ingenuouUy acknowledge to owe fo much to in divers refpeets , and concerning mine ell em of whom I both fpeak and write that occafionally to others, which I will not toyour felf; which I am not wont to deny unto di- vers other, whom I child leffe engaged unto, requeliing of me, for what caufe fornetime I know not, to perufe forne. things, which they purpofe for the Preffe, or have already publifhed, and to give my thoughts thereof; which though I finde fometime a thankleffe office, yet bath proved with other fome not until-et-nil. From yours, Sir, fhould rather have hoped to learn and gain fomewhat, then to help mend or better onohr. As for mine own work,though having found it a very tedious. bufineffe, to raife any well-compofed frame out of Inch maim- ed and confuted Notes or (craps rather, as I finde them to be; yeti had begun to fet upon it, and had written out fome few Iheets of it, when fome other urgent occafions intervening, enforced to lay it afide : and to let you know the plain truth, I am now at a (land (confidering the multitude of intricate que- Rions, and nice fUbtil:ies concerning this fubjeet, thqt I meet with in the writings of learned men, occafioned a great part of them by thole vain and fond fancies, which thefe men have of late broached, and many are much taken with among us, Inch as I little dreamed of, when above twenty years ago I dealt in this Argumertbframingmy then Difcourfe in a practical way moil, to the capacity of a plain popular Auditory, in doubt whether at all to relume it, and return to it again. Howloever I {hall not refrain briefly to acquaint you with my minde con- cerning the feeming differenceof thofe two great Apoffles in. this point, which I fuppofe will prove the fame in fubilance with what I finde here inyours. The Cafe or Queilion in Panl and games to me feems not the f'arne. In Paul the Cteftion is of finne in general, concerning which when any man thall therewith be charged ;, there is no means whereby he may be juitified,, that is, juftly affoiled from the