Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

the otherwife Tuft charge of being a firmer, but by his faith Chrifts blond; Chrifts blond having madeSatisfadion to Gods Juftice for finne ; and his Faith in it, giving him a right to it, and intereft in it. Whereas in lames the Queflion is concerning fame fpecial finne, and the queftioned perfons guilt of it, or freedom from it, to wit, Whether a man be a true or a coun- terfeit believer, a found and fincere, or a falfe and feigned Pro- feffour ? In which cafe, any perfon that is wrongfully fo char ged, may plead not guilty and offer himfell to be tried by his works, as in forme cafes Gods Saints have done, even with appeal to God himfelf : That which may be illuftrated with in- flames for either cafe in Abraham , David , 7a6 , Paatl, and others. The firft hint and occafion given me to the confidera- tion hereof, was from a Collation that a reverend and learned Divine Mr ?An Boyle, one of the Senior Fellows of Sr yohns in Cambridge had of this Argument, when-I was a young no vice in thatHoule. Paul, laid he, dealeth in genere didaelico, by way of Inftruelion and Information, as the Mailer giving the Scholar out his leffon : the onely way for you, being fin- ners by nature, to become difcharged of your finnes,is by faith in Chrifts blond. Yams, in genere elenRico , by way of Exa. mination and Triall ; as the Mailer in hearing and exami- ning his Scholar. Have you learned your leffon? Yea, then you can fay it, you can confirue and Pearce it : if not, it is certain you have not yet learned it. So here. Have you taken out the Leffon Paul taught you ? Yea , then you can fay, then you can fbew it. Do you believe in Chrifl ? Yea,then it will appear in your life, elfe it is apparent you do not. So he then; and either from him or fame other I remember to have heard that cited as Zanchies, Fides juflificat bomirem, opera juflificant fidern. Thefe gave hints of that, which I afterward pitched on But I hope this Zireflio9cteis will fbortly be more fully difcuffed" and cleared at the Commencement in Cambridge, where ( as I informed by a Letter frommy worthy Friend' Dr ruckFty, who withall fent me his Sermon, a Learned and pious Ptece, Preached at the Funerall of that Faithful! and Painful( Servant ofChrift Dr Rill, now at length Printed : The lois of whom, and memoryof it, together with the late departure' frOdi us' OP my next Neighbour Mr whitokey, not corning fiiiireof,thati * other