other eminent perfoa either for piety or fedulity in the.work of the Lord, wherein alfo they were for fome fpaceof time Col- tegues ' while Godwas pleafed to continue-,any meafure of abi- lity tohim, and a mirour of patience amids thole extremities ofpains that the Lord for a long time exercifed him with, pro- ceeding from exulcerated Kidneys, a Stone in the Bladder, and the neck thereof gangrened ; a pretious man, and the lofs of him much lamented by all the Pious in thefe parts. Ah, how many fuch ufefull Infruments far younger perfons then my felf hath the Lordoflate taken away in the midft of their daies4 in the prime of their ftrength, when they might have further have been very ferviceable to his people, having much need of fuch in thefe look and unfetled times, while I flay fill, as a rot- ten Rake in the hedge, rather needing fupport then helping to 'fupport ; or as his truncue ficalmo,inntile lignum, c&xlm&-mstleicz, encombring only the ground ; an ufelefs creature, a bare title of a Brander, which now at length I have alfo wholly in aiman ner divelled my felfof,4trid devolved to one of good abilites to undertake andundergo the Charge, under the weight whereof I have long groaned. But, Sir, you may perceive by this im- pertinent excurfion, quoim per atatemmalam hanc , as he terms it, andSalomon himfelf , deliram, as the propriety of the word is by fome Criticks deemed to import, and forget what I was about, and had begun to relate. De lemitil in viam. At the approaching Mt or Commencement at Cambridge, the former Thefis to be difputed and afferted the fecond day is laid to be this, yacobm no contradicit Paulo in e...irticulo 7tifiificationii, the later is concerning the Deity of Chrift : Thole for the &ft day are, Evangelici convenientes in fundamentalibm clebent fe mutuo ferre in extrafundamentalibm. Articuli fidei ['Ira ra- tionem non flint contra rationem, All of them very feafonable and futable to the Rate of thefe times. In running over thefe your Elaborate Debates, ( which I wonder much, confidering mine ownweakness efpecially, Now you were able with fuch fpeed to difpatch, or could finde time but towrite) though but 6xnipc4, (which a grearAuthor inhi- bites) and by farts,. (being oft interrupted by unavoidable in- tervening occurrents, and refilefs, until! I returned again to them) fo greedy was I of devouring the whole, when I had once