Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

once taken a raft of it, that much 'of it went 'down without' chewing, while I feared to be taken off mainly,' ifnot wholly, ere I were got to an end, by 'bale expeded improyments, which go much againfl the hair with me, but I cannot shift off. How- beit in this pofting balk I took notice of a flip or two overfeen at the Prefs, and'in the Errata therefore not appearing : It is the want ofa negative in two places not farre afunder, ifI mi- flake not, with L. C. p. o. prope fin. The firft Grace bath a prerequifite Condition, though oft preparations ,&c. Should it not Be, no prerequifite Condition ? Again, p.276.1.12. 1. That God did (not, fure wants) porn eternity find-his Son,- but in the Ps/nets oftime, &c. but any ordinary Reader may of himfelfea- fily difcover the defed in either of thole places, and without; other help fupply it. As alfo that in the Debate with Mr p. t 551.2. The moil-- that explain (for, exclaim) againftnay ylldgement. But ibid.p.38 / 9. there is a paffage that I have been (Thefe chewing the cud upon, and cannot get over : The words are words are no: put ate" thefe, Credere non eft aE-104ftebditi vel legatarii, fed ReCloris, my fenfe, 7adicis e-Tefiatoris, &c. I amnot ignorant that Credere in that but others fenfe, whence with us a Creditorforfidei aheritu quidpiam corn- abfurd mittere, may be atlio Teftitoris, but how that will agree with coanfer: the main drift of your difcourfe, I conceive not, and there au.B.) feems therefore to me, .unlefs I miftake, Tome miflake in the words. Concerning Believing in Chrig, (which feems fcarce good Englifh) or Truffing on him, or in him, (which I fuppofe the more proper) I cannot as yet conceive, but that, to Trull on Chrifl,and to Receive bim,and to be Bredof G(d, (for fo I would rather render it Bred, then Born,to take offthat nice diftindion, wherewith B. D. feeks to elude Mr P. in his Appendix) and to be Adopted by God, are fo many diflind notions, yea and fe- verall things, though never fevered. And the term of Recei- ving being acknowledged to be Metaphorical], ( as, ifmy me- mory do not, whia frequently it doth, fail me, your felf fome- where exprefly, fay) of Truging on or in being proper : it may feem not fO fit to define, defcribe, or expound the proper by the tropicall, which in Dr Gouges Definition of Faith I firft ob- ferved,but could not then fo well rein, and finde fince inmany other ; Nor do I fincle where the termofRegeneration is ufed to - _ cornprc:-