ftandgnpon other terms, as Guil. Rivetta bath {hewed at large in his Vindici4 Evangelicx de ?stflificat.Part.3. Cap.2, ce, 3. But thefe things, Sir, I mention not to put you unto the trouble of writing about them, having your hands fo over-full already ; but to propound them only to your confideration, as you find, or meet with occafion. Many thoughts of them, but confuted ones, I have fometime in my brains, which I finde no fit terms to exprefs, nor ability aptly to diftinguifh and orderly to di- geft Trouble enough, and more then enough, I fear, I have put you unto, in tendring to you thefe fo many fcrabbled and blurred lines, which I am fcarce able fometime to reade over again my felf. Nor will I imitate the Florentine Cooper, whom his foul, when he was fo long about lighting a candle to fee it, checks for complaining of and laying the fault on the moiftnefs of the tinder, the biuntnefs of the ftone, and the badnefs of the fleet, when indeed the main defect and default was in the weaknefs and unfteadinefs of his own hand ; excufing this my fcrawling by the badnefs of my pen, ink and paper, none yet of which I was well ftored with at prefent, nor can I be fur- nifhed with, when I want, or have not at hand, but from the City ; but the main reafon of my fuch flovenly and illegible writing, and fo oft blotting and interlining, is partly from my flippery memory, that forgets what I began with, ere the fen- tence be ended, and partly from mine unfteady hand, very much fbaking after a few lines of any length drawn (lowly our and difpatcht, and this unfteadinefs, (contrary to the wont of molt others) being much more troubleforn tome in hot wea- ther then in cold, and making writing therefore more tedious to me in the heat of Summer then at any other time. But it is high time for me to ceafe by my prating ( you may well apply tome that of the Poet, not fo ancient as the Name given him pretended, 0 fold fortes garralitate fenes ) tomotet you, and withhold you from better and more ufefull employments, I (hall conclude all, as with a renewed acknow- ledgement ofa double engagement unto you, the one for your gift and your peculiar affection to me thereby expreffed, the other for the work it felf, and the bufinefs therein undertaken and tranfafted, fo exceedingly advantagious, if not for the flopping of the mouths, ( for whocan charm the untamable * * tongues