tongues of fuch quarrelfom, licentious and fhamelefs people ?) of thefe broachers and abettors of thefe pernicious conceptions and impious notions gilded over with the fpecious Titles of Free Grace, and Gofpel-Doctrines, &c. like thole Q,uackfalvers implements, of which that Ancient Writer, Tituli habent phar- rnaca or remedia, pyxidei venena, yet to difcover their frauds and the dangeroufnefs oftheir devices to others, and to defend and clear up the truth of God againft their wicked impoitures, and confequently for the flaying of thole that otherwife might be, and the reducing offomeat 'call, that have been feduced by. them ; in which kinde I hold, as all Gods people in general!, and my felf in particular, very deeply engaged unto any whom they know to have eminently laboured, as your felfhere have done, and to blefs God for furring them up and enabling them thereunto : So with earneft alfo and hearty prayer unto him, whofe work it is that herein you do, that he will vouchfafe in much mercy and goodnefs, to fecond thefe your Pious underta kings with his bleffing, whereby they may become efficacious for the end by you intended in them, to fupport and ftrengthen you in your prefent langaiihing condition, againft the malici- ous calumnies and oppofitions of your ill-mindedAdverfaries, and to enableyou to proceed in the propugnation of his Truth and caufe, fo as his might may appear in your weaknefs. That which (hall be the conflant requeft at theThrone ofGrace of Rederidr Jane 20. 1644. Tigerfeeble andWeak:banded, but unfained and fincerely affeaed Friend andFellowfervent, Tho. Gataker. Gestalqrs,