Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

+.49+4,40444,4444:44404:+44.44e4,4444444 Mrgatakers lailLetter with hisNotes. Worthy sir, Y Father being by an exiteam languiihment of body difinabled to write into you himfelf, bath required me to give you this account of his prefent condition, and of his endeavours to exprefs his refpeds unto On 70 7. he received fome fheets of yourConfeffion : night following he was furprized with fainting fits, which afterwards turned to a Tertian Feaver : yet in the intervals he perufed your Papers, wherein he met nothing of much mo- ment that required any animadverfion. Some things of lets concernment he had noted in a loofe Paper, which you shall finde inclofed herein. He lies now expeding Gods feafon of removal! of himhence, which he profeffes much to defire, ho- ping that his unquiet and painful! ftate here will be by Gods mercy exchanged for a bleffed condition of reft in the Lord, before this come to you. He befeechesGod to lengthenout the line of your life, inabling you to proceed in Defence ofhis, Truth, agatnit thefe novel! inventions, and to the clearingof your felf from thefe grofs and falfe calumnies of il-minded men. Thus, Worthy Sir, my Father recommends himfelfunto you,, and 1 defire you to imploy your prayers for our comfort, affu- ringyou that your good opinion of, And kinde refpea to my Father bath engagedme to remain, Sir, Rederith July za. 1614. Tortr very loving Friend Avu. and; Servant in the Lord, . Englark Tel: (022t Charles Gataker.. Pag.23,