The Preface to theReaders Elpecially my Reverend Brethren Qf the Minillry. S is the MoOn with the Stars unto the expanded Firmament ; As are the well ordered Cities with OW their Ornaments and Fortifications to the Woods and Wildernefs ; Such is the Church to the reft of the World. The felicity of the Church is in the Love ofGod, and its bleffed influences , whole face is that Sun which doth enlighten and enliven it. Hearth and fin had not caufed a feparationand ecclipfe,theWorld and the Church would have been the fame , and this Church would have en- joyed an uninterrupted Day-light. It is the Earth that moveth and turneth from this Sun, and not the Suns receding from our Earth, that brings our Night. It is not God, but Man, that loft his Goodnefs 5 Nor is it neceffary to our Reparation, that a change be made Onhim, but on us. Chrift came not into the World to make God Better, but to make us Better ; Nor did heDie to make himmore difpofed to doGood, but to Difpofe 'us toReceive it : Though as he is extrinfecally Denominated from the particular Objed, tobe particularly Willing of this or that, and to Love that which he Lovednot before 5fo we may well fay, that Chrift dyed to purchafe for us the LoveofGod, and to procure his willingnefs of a prefent effecting our Remif- fion, and fo to Accept andApprove us as his own. But his pur- chafewas not Adually to change the mind of God, nor to in- clirY to have Mercy, who before was. dif-inclined: but to make the Pardon of mans fin a Thing convenient , for the Ri 7nteous and Holy Governour ofthe world to beftow with- -out : impeachment of the Honour ofhis Wifdom, 1-folinefs or juftice.: yea, to the more eminent Glorifying of them all. A 3 Two