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Zg The Crucifyingof the world, works by thepower of Beelzebub. So mutt we juftlycharge,the world to bea Deceiver, andwork its ftrange .ftupendious delufi ons by the power of Satan the great deceiver , and as a Malefa- siormuff we attach, arraign and condemn it. They came out againft Chrift as a thief with fwordsand Llaves, Mat. 26. 55. we . muttcome out againft as thatgreat thief that would rob. God of his honour and interett, Chrift of his Kingdom , and us of our falvation and by the. (word of the Spirit muff difarm and conquer. it. The world judged Gird} to be a blafphemer and guiltyof death , becaufe he laid that he was the Sonof God , and fhould fit at his right hand. We mutt condemn the world of Blafpbe mous ufurpation, that would needs become our God , andufurp theD.ivine prerogatives and honours. - T.hey (pit upon Chrift in tokenof hatredand contempt. And we mutt as it were fpit at the pleafures, and profits, and honours of the world , and manifeft our defiance, andhatred, and con- tempt of them.. They.buffeted Chrift in manifeflationof their malicious enmi- ty. And the world and our flefh muff not fcape our hands though our war be but defenfive , yet muft we offend thatwe may defend. [ So fight 1, (faith `Paul , i Cor. 9. z6, 27.) not as one that beateth the air, ( that maketh a thew of enmity when there is none, as children in fport, or fencers that have not intent tokill) but I ,keep under my body , andbring it into fiebjeCtion ; lefi that 6y. any meant when I have preached to others, I my felt jhould 6e a .calf-away' { ti7a474x';4) µtr t$'G164G. d'sTxymvuu Thefirft verb fignifieth to buffet and beat black and blew, as we fay, Et validé it í6u, (ubjicere relu5lantem,as Beza fpeaks : and the fecond verb fignifieth , tobring into fervitude , or into the flue of a fervant, which is indeed the verywork that we havç to dowith the flefh, and the world. They reproachedChrift when they had fmote him, and taunt- ingly bid him, Prophefis who[mote him. And the world and all the Idols of it deferve no better of us , when they will ufurp the place of. God ; and we may well (corn fuch a God as eláa, did aal, andas Godufeth todo by the Idols of the heathen. Fine gods indeed, that can neither fave themfelves nor us. 'Theworld..did¡tripChrift and :put.on hima robe and a Crown of