By the .Crofs of Chrifiz. .of thorns, and a reed into his band and again i, Tponhim and mocked him. And this contempt in our apprelienfions muff we cart upon the arrogant world ; we mutt (trip it of itsvain thew, and give it the honour of a reed for levity, and of thorns for unprofitablenefs and vexation ; for as thorns it vexeth when it promifeth felicity,and as thorns it choaketh that word oftruth, and as a reed it is (haken with every wind. No backwardnefs of the Judge, and nointercefüon of his wife, could refcue Chrift from the malice of the Jews, but the more is Paid for him, the more theycry , Cruciße him. And as refdlvedly,muft we perfecute the world. No interceflion of our flefh, or backwardnefsof carnalReafon muff take us off but we muff be content with nothing but its Crucifying. When Pilate drew back, they knockt all dead with this malici- ous voice , John 19. 12. C If thou let this mango thou art not Cxfars friend : whofoever makethhimfelf a King fpeaketh againß Cxfar : ]`So mutt we quicken and provoke our Reafon by-argu- ments drawn fromour fidelity toChrift , and fay 1f we favour this World, we are not the fnendí of Chrift for whatfeever Would make itPelf our King, and our felicity , andwouldflea! away our hearts, is not Chriflsfriend. When PiLite faith, [ Shall I crucifieyour King f] they cry out, [ we have no King but Cxfar. ] And when the flefh or car. nal Reafon faith , [ Will youcall away your comforts, your peace , yourhappinffs, your lives ? We muff fay [we have no comfort but Chrifl , no peace brit Chilir, no h, ppinefs , no life but What's iñ Chrifl. ] Theworld crucified Chrift between two thieves. And we muff crucifie the world between two thieves vie. the flefh on the one hand, and the Devil on the other; which would both have robbed God and us ; Though through the powerof a Crucified Chrift, the one of thefe,even the flefh , may be fo refined as tobe ad- mitted into Paradife. The world vvrict over the head of Chrift, as the caufe of his death [ Kingof the 7ews. 1 And vve mutt write- this over the Crucified vvorld, [ This is it that would have been our icing; and God, and Happintfi ; ro let allthineenmies prrifl; Q Lord.] We muff pierce the very fades of ir, and lec out its heart- blood. We mutt nail its hands and feet , the very inftruments or means 3 by