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By the croft of Chri, fit, 39 4E1s 4.21, 24. I will add but two more inflances, Dan. 3. The threeJews that were threatned with a furnace of fire, are accuf- ed for not regarding the King, verf: 12. and ther own anfwer is, verf. 16, 17. [ We are not careful to anfwer thee in this matter a If it be fo, the God WhomWeferve is able to deliver us from the burningfieryfurnace, and he will deliver au out ofthy hand,0 King. But if not,be it known unto thee,0 King, that We will suitferve thy Gods. ] And fure they that would not accept of deliverance when they were tortured, Heb. I I. 3 5. did fet little by it, incomparifon of that better Refurre&ion which they hoped for. As Chrift faid of Satan, The Prince of this World kathnothing inme 7ohn 14. 30. So in our meafure,fo far as we are dead with Christ, the worldbath nothing in us, no intereft, no carnal life to work up- on, and therefore is unable to do any thingwith us. Our un- due eftimation of the world is Crucified. This is the firf'r part. 2. Ifwe arc Crucified to the world, our inordinate cogitations of the world are Crucified. We muff not give it that room in our fancies or power over them , as they have with other men. We fhould not indeed allow the creature one thought either for it felf, and terminated finally,in it fell, nor as feparated from God.: Much lets fhould we have fo frequent and fo pleafa itor pallio- nate thoughts of itas moil have. But of this more in the Appli- cation. 3. To be Crucified to the world,is to have Af Pt-lionsdeadabout worldly things. That which is vile inour eftimation , will beun- _effeftual in our Affections. I (hail briefly inftance in fume par- ticulars: i . Our Love to the world is Crucified , if we be Crucified to the world. As this is the great Afféâion which God claimed] for himfelf, andwhich he maketh the feat of his molt excellent grace ; fo is it that which he is molt jealous of, and will leaft al- low the creature to partake of ; and the- . of -it is the greateft fin , as the right imploymerir of it is the greateft duty. t john 2. 15. [ Love not the world , neither the things that OM in the world. This is a plain and flat command. If the world be not apprehended by the understanding to be iour Good , it will no: be embraced by the will, norbe Loved. Perhaps you will fay, Though it be not our chiefgood, yet it is Good and therefore may ,.