The EpleDedicatory. themfelves, how rare is, that excellent man,that is Covetous and Laborious for God and for the Church and for his Brethren : And that Bothas providently get and keep, and as Pain. fully Labour, ( how rich foever he be) and as much pinch his flefh (inprudent moderation) that he may have the more to Give and to do good with, and,make the heft of his Mailers flock ; as other men do in making Provifion . for the flefh, and laying up for their poflerity. Sir, as far you have proceeded in this Chri- ílian art, you are yet in the world, among the fnares and lime-twigsof the Devil ; in a ¡lad- on that makes`falvation difficult ; and there- fore have need of daily watchfulnefs, and to proceed and perfevere in an enmity to the world,and a Believing Crucifixion of it,ifyou will be faxed from it,and reflore it to its proper ufe, and captivate it, that captivateth fo many. As foine help hereunto; I crave your Perutal of this Treatife. And that it may do you good, and the manyBlefsings promifed to the chari- table may refl upon you, and on your Yoak- fellow, (that path- learned this Crucifying of the world) and upon your pot+erity, (hall be the prayers of Feb. zo. Your fellow foldiour againft the flail and world, I65f Ricb. Baxter.