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46 The Crucifying of the world, is a neceffary [caringfor the things that belong to the Lord bow to pleafe the Lord; j and that even in your worldly bufinefs. But z. You may not care for the creature forit feif , nor for the meer pleatingof the flefh. As it may not be Loved for it felf, fo neither may it be cared for, for it felt. And 3. When you have ufedyour utmoft care or forecaft to do your own duty, you may not be Anxiousor Careful about the iffue which is Gods part to determine of. As God himfelf appeareth in Profperity or Ad- verfity you may and mull have regard unto the iffue. But for the thing it fell you mutt not, when you have done your own duty, be any further careful about it. God knowethbelt what is good for you, and how muchof the creature you are fit to manage, and what conditionof body is moll fuitable to the condition of your foul : And therefore to him muff the whole bufinefs be committed. When you have committedyour feed to the ground, and done your duty about it, you muff have no further care at all, which intimateth fears, anxiety or dif}ruft ; though as care is largely taken for Regard ; You may care and pray for the blef fingof God on it, and for yourdaily bread. 4. So far as you are Crucified to the world, your worldly for, rows alto will be Crucified. If you mils of it you will not be grieved for that mils. For the difpleafure of God which an af- fliftion may manifeff, you ought to be grieved; but not for the meer lofs of the creature for it felt. As God in the creature muff be Loved andDelighted in, and not the creature for it Pelf ; fo it is Gods difpleafuremanifefted in the creature that muff beour Grief. If a mans flefh be dead, youmay cut it off, and henever feeleth you ; you may cut it, or prick ir, and he will not (mart. And if you be dead to the world,you will notfeel it as others do, when worldly things are taken from you. You will make nogreat matter of it. Obj. But Grace doth not snake menflocks or flupid and there- fore howcan wechufe bat feel ? cAnft12. There is a feeling that is meerly natural , and not fubj to the commandof Reafon and Will : and there is a feel - ing which is under Reafon, and is voluntary. The later only is it that I (peak of which Grace commandeth. The molt gracious man may feel heat and cold, pain and wearinefs, hunger and thirft, as much asthewarft. But the Patïionsof his foul fo far as