Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

The Preface : To the Nobilty and Gentry, aiad all that have the Riches of this world. Honourable, Wor(hipfull, &c. Aving written here of afubjeit that nearly concernethyou, 1 have thought it my duty togive you a place , andaccording toyour Dignity , the firflplace in the Application of it. of which I /)fall firfl tenderyou my Reafons, and thenfet beforeyou the matter of this addrefs. 1. You are among zts the moll eminent andhonouredper- fons, and therefore net tobeneglebted andpall by : you are firft, and therefore fhouldfirfl beferved. You holdyourfelves moll worthyof any temporal honour that's tobe had ; and therefore 1(hall honouryoufo much more, as to judge you fit, to be firfl fpoken toby the Miniflers of Chrifl, in a cafe that doth much more concern you : As you have andwouldhave the precedency in worldlymatters , (a) alfo you (hall have a