56 The Crucifying of the world, And the belt of his fervants have followed him in this courfe , to whom he wouldhave given more of the world , if he had teen it belt for them. For when theyhad [ d4honcur, they had honour with it and by it ; when they had coil report, they had aifo good; when they were poor, they mademan) rieb ; and having nothing popjf'ed allthings, ] z Ger. 6. 8, 10. When your flefhwouldhave its pleafure, remember him that pleafednot his flefh ; but fubmitted it to hunger, and thirft, and wearinefs, tofailing,and watching, and praying whole nights ; and at last to fcourgings, and buffeting, and crucifying. When your appetites mutt needs be pleafed in meats and drinks, remem- ber him that had Gall and Vinegar given him to drink. When your bodies would be fet out with fuch apparel! , as may make you feem comelyett in the eyes of others , remember him that wore a feamlefs coat , and was hanged naked on the Crofs for your fakes. When you are tender of every little hurt or fuffering of your flefh, though in a way of duty, remember him that gave his hands and feetto be nailed, and his fide tobe pierced todeath for you. When you are afhamed to be reviled for well-doing , remember him that drfpifed the¡ha+»e, Hob.' z. a. And thusas the fight of the BrazenSerp nt did cure them that were flung in the Wildernefs , fo the Beli views of a Crucified Chrift , may get out the poifon of worldly delufions from your fouls. 3 . The Believingthoughts of theCrofsof Chrift , will make us apprehenfive alto of our duty, in contemning the world in conformiry toChrift. For though we are not bound tobe Cruci- fied as Chritt was unlefs God fpecially put us upon it ; nor bound to live without houfe or home in voluntarychofen pover- ty, as Chr ádid (becaufe there were fome fpecial Reafons for his fufferings, that are not for ours) yet are we all bound to mortifie the flefh, and conremn the world in imitationof him, and to fubmit to what fuffering God fhall impote on us. And in the example of Chrifts Crofs , this Duty mutt be ob ferved. 3. THE