By the Crofs of Chrft. 5'7 3^ ir HE neat thing to be declared is , 'How the Crop irhisb We oar felves do fttffer in obedience and conformity to CYrifl , and for his fake, Both crucifie the world tous, and us to the world. That the bearing of this Crofs is all that will be Chrifs Difciples; yea thedaily bearing of it is plain, Luke 9. 23. 14.27. Mat. I o. 38. Two waits doth this tend to the crucifying of us to the wood. a. It dothmore fenfibly convince us of the Vanity and Entii- ej of the world, then any meer doarine or dillant examples and obfervations could have done. I confefs we fee fp much of the worldsdeceitiof others, that might fati'fie a reafonable man that it is vain. But the flefhdoth draw us into a participation of its bruitifhnefs : and reafon wIl not fee the light. But the Crofs doth convince even the'flefh it fell, the grand deceiver. When the maliceof wicked men lets flie at us, and the worlddo fpit in our they did in Chrifts; when we are made a common by-word and derifion, and become as the filth of the world- to them, and the off- fcouringof all things ; when we have fears within and troubles without ; and the forrows of death lay hold uponus, and enemies compafs us round about; `®-how effeáu- ally will this convince us-that the world is vain, and worfe then vain! Who will look for Happinels from a known Enemy and Tormentor ? When we have robs Meffengers of fad tidings and troublesare multiplyed : When pain and anguifh feifetb upon our bodies, and grief bath takenup its dwelling incur very fleih and bones, who then will admire or dote upon the world ? Who will not then cryout againft it as Vanity and Vex. tion ? When friends abule one another, they will fall out for the time, though they turn not enemies. And even the wicked when they Rifler in the world, will fpeak hardlyof it , though the friend(litp of it fill dwell in their fenfual difpofltions. Howmuch more will the Enmity be encreafed in the Saints,when theworld doth ufe them as its enemies, and fpit out the bittereft of their malice againft them? If we have any thoughts of reconciliationwith the world, God ufeth tO fuf er it to buffet and abule us , that firoaks and (mart may maintain the Enmity, if nothing el'fe will ferve to do it- Believe