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62 noCrucifying of the world, one Chief, and but oneGod. They take him down therefore as much as in them lyeth, that fet up another. So alfo, if God be not the Soveraign Ruler of all, he is not God. And there can be but one Seweraign. What Ids then do they do, that de ny him his foveraignty , then deny him to be God. And he that maketh the fiefh or world his foveraign denyeth God 0 be his foveraign ; becaufe there can be but one, efpecially feeing alfo that their commands are contrary. I befeech you therefore Sirs be not fo unwife as to think that this Mortifi- cation or Crucifying of the world, is only the perfeaion , or higher pitch of forne Believers,and not the common flare of all. Do not imagine that your felves, or any other can be true Chri- ftians without it. You may as well think that that man fhould be faved that is a flat Atheift, and dcnyeth God , and renounceth him, as that a worldling fbould be 'lived : And he that is not dead to the world, is a worldling. If any one piece of Refor- mationbe effential to a trueChriflian, it is this. It is as pollible for aTurk, oran Infidel to be faved, as one that is not dead to the world ;, Yea the cafe of thefe is more defperate, if more can be : for they bayenot the like means of information (ordinarily) as our worldly Profeffors have what can any Perfecutor or Ido- later do more, then fet againft God, and fet up his enemies ? And fo doth every worldling, while he denveth God his efleem and chiefett Love, and giveth it to the pleafures and profits of this life. I befeech you benot fo weak as todream, that God is no- thing but a bare name or title or that you deny not God, ifyou refute not to call himGod ; or that none are Atheifts that fpeak God fair, and give him all his titles. Or that none are impious that give him good words. It is the thing, and not the bare words, the defcription of God (filch as we are capableof ) and not bare names, that we muff enquire of. If you will call your Prince by all his Royal Titles, but will fet another in the throne, and give him the rule overyou,and obey him alone,which ofthefe isit that you take indeed for your Prince ? [if I be a Father, faith God, where is mine honour ? If I bea ullafter, where' is my fear .?] Mal. .6. Many Eprofep that they knoWGod,t hat in roorks deny him, being abominable anddifobedient] Tit.f.f6. God is not taken indeed for your God, if he be not taken for your chief Goodand Happinefs,and have not thedid ofyour delire and Love;