By the Croft of Chrift. 71 prefume todetermine, while Scripture feem« fo filent,and learned conje tures are fo much at odds. But as he is the Redeeming, re- floring Mediator , it is that we fpeak all this while of Chrift : And fò his Office is to recover Gads Intereft in the fouls of men. Now his Intereft lyeth in our Ef}imation, andour Love ; And thefe the world hath difpoffeft him of. It is therefore the work of Chrift to pui`ldown this Idol , and let up God in the throne of the foul. And therefore though faith be the principal Medians, ufing Grace; yet Love is the mofi principal frill, enjoying grace, and more excellent then faith, as the end , or that act which is next the end is more excellent then the means. 2. It is the End of Chrift, his Crofs and Do&r:ne, to Heal eu, and to fave see : to Heal us of our fin ,, and to fave us from at, and its deftrcying fruits. But by fan&ifcation, and 'foby mortifi- cation, doth Chrift thus Heal and Save us. If health be worth nothing, the Phyfician and all his Ph} lick is worth nothing. The Health of the foul obje&ively is God , and formally is ins Holi- nefs, or perfea Difpofednels, and Devotednefs to God of which anon. Thefe therefore doth Chrift come to reftore : And therefore he comes tocall us off the Creature, and bring our af- fe &ions back toGod. 3. It is the End of Chrift, his Crofs and Doctrine, to conquer Satanand deftroy his works, and with him, the refs of the ene- mies of God, andof our falvation : But the world is one of thefe enemies;and the Means by which the Devil doth prevail ; there- fore it is Chrifts End to overcome the World, and caft it out of the hearts of men, Luk. 11.22. yoh, 16.3 3. i lob. 3.5,8. He Was manifef{ed to this end, to takeaWay our-fins, and dejfroy the Works of the `Devil: And therefore he caufeth his followers to over- come him, a 701).2.13 it+ And herewithal ()Verve, that it is.efà fentìal to the Relation to refpect the End; to the Phyfitian , that he be for the health of the patient : and toChrift the Redeemer, that he be the Saviour of his People from their fins, and the Re- ftorer.of their fouls to the Love of God : So that Chrift is denyed and madeno Chrift, where Mortification, and San&sficacion are denied: He is not believed in as Chrift, where he is not believed in for thefe Ends. And therefore he that cometh not wi h this in- tent toChrift, that he may reftore the Image of God upon him, and bringhim off from the Creature u toGod, that he nay live to,.