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3 L The Crartsf yingof she trald, di/p.j.l of pm. whole life. You do purpofcly contrive the ma:r.' part of your 11-e in order to it 1 t youare indeed Chrillians,and God be your End, the main dnfc of your Life is a contrived Means for the obtainingof that End ; that is, to [leakGod, and. to enjoy him in everlaftmg glory. Is you were luch as you lhould be, you amid have no other End at all, nor Ihould you. ever do one work, or receiveor we one creature , -or fpeak one word, or behold oneobject, but as a means to God , interning. the pleating and enjoying him in all : As a traveller should not ga one fiep of his journey, but in order to his End. But while we are I mperfed in our Love, and other graces, this will not be : But yet the m.lin.bent and daft of our Liuc! muft needs be for God and the Life to come ; and thus it is with every true Belie-. ver ; and you are none if it be not thuswith you. I fay is again , left you shoulddlightly pats it over. though you may through in- armity fometimts fiepout of the way. yet if God be your End and Happinefs, that is, if he be your vod, and you be Chnllans, the main /cope, and bent, and drs of your lives is for to picafc God and enjoy him in glory. But if the main fcopc and drift of your life be for the heih and the world, and God and Religion comes inbut upon the by, you are thewno better then unfandi- fied.worldlings: Though you may do much in Religion,and be zealous about it, and feem the devouceft and moil refolved pro- feffots in all the Countrey where you live, yet if all this be but in fuSordination to the flefh and the world, or if co-ordinate it base the (mailer Intcreft in your hearts. aad when youhave done or fuffered moo for CLnft , you will do and fuffcr more for the ftah and world, you are carnal wretches and no true Chriftians. O.that you would let conléience do its office, and Judge you as tvego along according to Evidence ! It is not by one or two A<4ions that you can judge of your eftare, but by the main (cope, and bent, and drift of your life. Wha: is your very heart kt upon ? What is your care, and your chief contrivances ? Are they for Heaven or Earth ? Speak out, and take the comfort of yourGncerity if you are Chriffians : and if you are not, know it while there is remedy, and do not wilfully deceive your (elves. been fo far illuminated by the Word and Spirit, as cc tee: the Arniablenefs of the Lordby faith and have you fo firm a Beheld the Everlathng Glory, where we (ball fee his face im- met iatcly