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84 The Crucifying of the world, care and labour for ? and what is the Defign that you are daily carrying on ? Know but this, and the Queftion is refolved. Ifyou fee any man at work, and ask himwhat he is doing and why he Both it ? it is like he is not fo fottifh but he can tell. If you meet a man upon the way, and askhim, whether he isgoing ? it is like he will not foolifh,but he can tell you: He that hath noend, bathno way, and therefore is never in his way, nor out of it ; nor will he care which way he goes, fo he be going ; and a cir- cular motián is as good to him as a progreffive. You are doing fomewhat all ; you are going fomewhither every day : whither is it ? and what is it for? Is it Tor heaven or earth? The Texts which I before cited to you, fully give you the ground of the tryal and Judgement that I am urging you upon. Mat.6.2,r. Where your treafure is, there will your hearts be alto.. Mat.6.33. Seek fill the Kingdomof god, and its righteotefnefs, and all thefe things ¡hall be added to you :1 Pfal.73.15. Wilms have I in hea- ven bat thee, and there is none upon earth that Idefine bet:des thee,' Luk. t4. :6. If any man come tome, and hate not all, even his own life, hecannel be my arc,ple.-1 So verfe 33. He that forfakethnot al that he bath.] But let us proceed yet a little further in the tryal. 4. As that which is a mans End (if fatisfa&ory) will content himwhen he canatt.:in it , fo Without it noshing will content him. No manwil be content without th at which is the Principal end of his life, though hemay without force inferiour end. If God be your end, nothing elfe will content you : If you had all the ho- nours and profperity of the world, and this fecured to you, ir would not content you, Thefe are not the things that you live for, or that the predominant inclination of your fouls are luted to, and therefore it is not thefe that will pleafe you , and ferve your turn. But if the world be your end, you could be content with it if you couldget ir. Let who will take the world to come, if the carnal wretch were but Pure of this, he would think himfelf a happy man, and could fpare the other. He would nor change his worldly happinefs for the hopes of that which he never law, nor doth not firmly andheartily believe. 5. It ti amans End that puts the effimate upon all th'n.s elfe. All other things are counted Good or Evil,f ) far as they help to it, or hinder it : If Heavenbe your End, you will account of