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92 The Crucifying of the world, bring their duty into (corn. [ weare not c. gable , fay they of Giving to God ; becaufe that all ù his already : ] feif condemning wretch I Is all his ? VVhy thenbath he not all ! Give then to God the things that are his own ! It is not a proper Donation that we call you to : You cannot give him a propriety, who bath it already ; nor alienate it from your felves who never had it in refpect to God : But yet you may Give it to him by tradition : You may deliver him his own in the way thathe requires it and lay out your Mailers flock for bis fervice I And if he will fo far honour your fidelity, as tocall this a giving or a lending to him , me thinks this fhould encourage you to liberality, bur I fee not bow it can.excufe yourdenying him his own. Obj. Rut it ù but tofat*fie the covetoufuefs of the Prieffs, that weare called on to Clive to God, ai if thty Were God; or God had that which they bave. Anftr. Adding reproach to covetoufnefs will prove one day but a fad excufe for fin. If this age underftood the fift Com- mandment, and the hainoufnefs of ingratitude to God and man for the greateft mercies , and how it is that Chrift Teacheth and Ruleth, and how he is Obeyed or Defpifed in the world, they would tremble to think of the (corn and contempt of a faithful Miniftry. The eye that mocketh at his Father, anddefpifeth toobey a Mother, the Ravens of the va'ley fLallpick it out, and the young Eagles /hall eat it, Prov. 3o. 17. Who fa curfeth his Father or .&fother,his Lamp 'hall beput out in obfcuredarknefs,Prov. 20.20. eflnd he'halldie the death, Exod. 21. 17. And for your Obje- ttion The Priefts of the Lord under the Law were not God theApoftles and Gofpel Minifters were not God ; nor any that ferve at the Altar, who yet muff live upon the Altar : The poor themfelves be not God ; and yet you (hall underftand one day, that inas much as youdid it not to otre of thefe , you did it not to Chrift : and in defpifing them you defpifed him , A/at. 25. Luke io. 26. The vanity of your fond pretence was fufficiently told you by Chrift himfelf, Mat. 25.45. where he tells you how he will anfweryour companions that (hall ufe it, [In as much at youdid it not to one of there, you did it not to we. J And yet will you fay,, [Lord when did we fee thee hungry , naked , &c.] whenyouhave your anfwer before hand : Worldly wretches l you, would not part with your wealth if yo* could help it, to Chrift: