By the crop of Chris Whatwife man would fpend to precious a thing a Time is, upon that which he knows will leave him in Repentings that ever it was fo fpent ? The world Both rob poor fir,r:ers of their time ; but when. they ice it is gone, and they would fain have a little of that time again to make preparation for their everlatting flare it is not all the world then thatcan bring them back one hour of it again. Certainly futh a lofs of time and labour is no ImaII ag- g ravátionof a worldlings tin. 9, You are alto guilty of the highcontempt of the Kingdom of Glory , while you prefer [bete tranfitory things before it. Your hearts and lives (peak that which you are afhamed co fpeak with your tongues. You are afhamed to fay that Earth is better for you then Heaven, or that your fin is better for you then the favour of God : but your lives fpeak it out. If you think not your prefenc conditionbetter for you then heaven , why do you choofeand prefer it ? and why do you more carefully'and labo- rioufly feek the things of earth, then the Heavenly Glory ? If your child would fell his inheritance for a cup of Ale, you would think he let light by it : And if he would part with father and mother for the company of a beggar or a thief, you would fay he had nogreat love to you. And if you will venture your part in heaven for the pleafures of fin , and will parc with God for the matters of this world , would you have him think that you fet`much by his Kingdom or his love ? O the unreafonable- nets of fin ! the madnefs of worldly flefhly men 1 Is it indeed more defirable to profper in their (hops, their ftelds,and their pleafures fora fewdaies or years, then everlaflingly to live in the pretence of the LOrd ? Shall Chrift purchafe a Kingdom at the price of his blood, and offer it us freely and !hall we prefer the life of a bruit before it ? Shall God offer to advance fo mean a creature to an heavenly Ration among his Angels ; and (halt we choofe rather to wallow in the dung of our Tranfgreflione ? Take heed, left as you are guilty of E/rs's folly , you allo meet with Efiwás mifery I and the time Iliould come, that you (hall findno place for Repentance, that is for Recovery by Repen- tance, though you feek it with tears. Contempt of kindnefs, is a provoking thing e Forit is theheight of ingratitude. Anetefpe- cialty when it is the greateft kindnefs contemned. As it wilibe the evcrlafting employment of the Saints , to enjoy that felicity, II3