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124 The Crucfyi?3g of the world, wicked boaftetlhof his hearts défre , a-rd blefeth the covetour whom 'the Lord abhorreth. ] If yet you think l ufeyou unmannerly in [peaking fo bardly of you hear the Holy Ghofc a tittle fur. Cher, ?ame y. a. Go tonowye richmen ; weep and howl for your miferier that_thancome uponyou, Your riches are corrupted , and your garments motheaten, yaur gold andflyer is cankered and the ruff of them (hall bea wìtnef again) you, and /hall eat year fiefh or it werefire, ye haveheaped treasure togetherfor the tall dates] And mentioning their oppreffion, he addeth, [ Te have lived in pleafatre on the eart h, and beenwanton : Ye have nouriflaed your heartsas in a day of (laughter.] In a word, If Christ called Peter himfelf a Satan, when he would have had him favour himfelf, and avoid fuffering, becaufe hefavourednot the things of Çod,but of men,(ilgat. 16. 22. You may fee that we call you not fo bad as you are. IShall now take the freedom to come a little nearer you and , dole withyou upon the main of my bufinefs. Poor world- hogs ! I comenot hither to beat the air, nor towafle an hour in empty words : but it is workthat I come upon. An unpleafing work to fieih and blood ; even to take a ¢,ay your profits, and plcafures, and honours from you ! to rake away the world from you, and all that you have therein ! Not out of your Hands,but out of your Hearts ! Not againft your wills, t for that is im- pof iible) nor by unrefiftible force (I would I could do that) but by procuring your ownconfer;t, and pc.rfwadingyou.rocaft them away your felves. I cannot expect the confezrt of your flefb, and therefore I will not create with it ; but if yet you have any fret ufe of your reafon irtmatters of this na!ure , 'look hack upon the Reasons that I have before laid down, tnd tell me whe- ther you fee not fufficient caufe to forsake tlois world, and betake your felves to anothercourfeof life , and look another way for your felicity ? This then is the upfhot of ail that l have been laying to you, and this is the Meffage that I have to you from God ; to require you presently ró renounce this world andun. fe'gnediy ro defpife it, and proclaim war against it , and to come , over to him that is your rightful Lore, and will be your true and durable