Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

By the Crofs of Chrii, not your money out of your pusfes, nor your goods out ofyour ho:ufes, nor your houles out. of your. poff filons, we mull at- tempt to take them all out of your hearts. No wonder then if we behated of all fuch ; For at the heart it is that the world is fweeiell to you : there it is neareft and deareft to you : and there is your carnal Intereft dcepeft rooted.To be'`et blood in the very hearr, will he more grievous to you then in the hand. And yet fo it muet 'be , that the heart bloodof worldly Intereff may be let out in the Crucifying of it, as the world did let out the heart- blood of Chrift. What are all your fuirs at this AfI ze about ! but again!} one man that robbed you of your money ! againft another that took your cattle ! against another that would de- prive you of your tftate I and again{t another that h:th wound- ed your Honour and Reputation ! and another that fore how provoked you to revenge by contradicting your will. What wonder thenif you fhould ?ll turnyour fpleen againft me that would take not one of thefe, but all, and that from you all, and that from your very hearts.The flesh would 'e a1./,and i. eve ail; or elfeìtwerenot the chiefefl Idol : No marvel then if it hum when we would takeall from it. And yet let me tell you,to abate your indgnation, that though we talk of offing down your Temple, we add withal! , that is (hall be built again in three dales : and the calling of it down , will tend to its greater glory. The world will be more honour- able and ufefull to you when it is Crucified , and the flesh when it is fubjeäed, then now theybe : But of that rr,ore anon. Obj. Oh but, faith the Carnal Heart , Havemy henorert and dignities toff mefo dear ; bave I beenfò long ingetting my Richer, and1hä11 I now pa? t Withallfor yourfpetche.t ? and do you think I am fuch afool as to be worded out cf them a Sft and : I came not by them fo ea,/ly, nor Wil1Ifi eafly part With them, nor tri:h the content and comfort that my heart bath in them. .4nfi . Becaufe that worldlings think thernfelves fo wile anti pit fucka face of confidence on their dotage I !ball yet draw nearer you, and resfon the cafe a little further with you and co that end I (hall propound thefe following Q eftions, defiring your ferious anfwer. 127