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128 The Crucifying of the world, V_Lne/t. I. REcaufeyou prefume to call it folly , to part with all at Chritts command, tell me whether ii God oryou the wifer, andWhole judgement is fittefl to determine which is the nfefi way i Who are like to be the fools indeed ? thole that youcall fo, or that God calleth fo? Sure you Mould cafilybe refolved of this : For if yoube wifer then God , then you are Gods, and God is no longer God. For he that is wifefl and belt is God.Andme thinks, as bad and as mad as you are, you íhould not be fo mad yet as to fay, or think that you are Gods , or that you arewifer then God. Well then, bold but there, and then let us confider, Whether God and you be both of a mind , about the.mattersof the world, Pfalrn49. 13. When hebath defcribed the life of a profperous worldling, he faith , [This their way is theirfolly : ,et do their poflerity apppovetheir fzyirg.s. ] And in Luke 1 2.20. we find Chrills cenfure on fuch anone as you, that Paid within himfelF, [ Soul,theu haft muchgood' laid up for many years take thine eafe,eat, drink and be merry. ] To whomGod faith, L Thoufool , this night thy foul ¡ball be required of thee : then wkofe ¡hall thofe thing; be which thou hall provided?] And thatyou may learn to make a due application of this, and not think it is nothing to you, Chrif# addeth, [ So is he that layette up treafurefor himfelf ,- and is not rich toreardi God.] Where you may note the exactt defcription of a gracelefs worldling , Inch as throughout this d:fcourfe we mean : He is one that layeth up treafure for himfelf, and is not Rich towards God ; as all the fanelified are. The difference lyeth in the matter, and end , or ufe of h s riches. The worldling layeth upearthly trcafure, the fan&ified man layeth up a treafure in heaven with God : The worldling is rich for himfelf,and all that he partethwith for Gods fervice or the poor , is but the leavings of the flea), and that which it can fpare , when its own defires are fatisfied , ( for fo much an Epicure may part with togood ufes :) But the fanai- fled doth employ his riches for God , as being Rich to him , and not to his Carnal felf. You fee by this time who they be that are the fools in Gods account. And that thoughthechit ren of this world art wife,. in their