130 The Crucifying of the world, pleafe his appetite ; but only his fancy : So if you have never fo, much riches more then your flab it tiff hath tale for this only plea feth a covetous fancy. All that you enjoy is but fo much as may facisfie the lulls of your flefb. And I pray you tellne,. Whether you do not your felves believe that a fober, temperate, heavenly Chriftian doch live as comfortable a life as you ? And, Whether they havenot more peace in their minds without your finful fenfual delights, then, you have with them ? Indeed it is but the diftemperof your minds that makes that Co pleafant to you, which another that is well in his wits would be weary of : As the (wine rakes pleafure to tumble in the mire, which a wife man would not do. Do you not fin againft your own experi- ence ! Have you not found , that the world is an unfatisfattory thing, and cannot help you in a day of trouble ? And yet will you flick to it ? ,QIiejt. 3, Y next Ozieftion is, What bath the World dose J. ;. for any other, that fhould perfwade you to fet fo much by it as you do ? Did it ever fave a foul or heal a, foul ? or make a man trulyhappy at the laft ? Look back in any credible Records ,, to the beginning of the world , and down to this day, and tell me where is the man that is made happy by the world O. And Confider what it hach done for them all ?' He that had molt of it, and made the belt of it, for the pleafing of his flefh, had but a fbort tafle of fenfual pleafures, which quickly left himwerfe then he was before ; like cold drink to a man ¡tithe fit of an Ague. And will you fo farlay byyour reafon, as to go againft the Experience of all the world ?, Do they all cry out againft it as Vanity and yet will you take no warning ? Can you think to find that by ir that no man ever found before you, What art have you to extra fuch comforts from the creature, that never man could do till now It is the (baffle of ahem that (pend fo much colt, and time, and labour, in feeking that feed of Gold which they call the Philofophersitone,becaufe never any that fought it could find it but have all loll their la- bour. So is it your fargreater fharne, to run an hazard fo much greater for that which nevea man from the beginningof the 11