By the crofs of thrift, world could find till now. Sa'srnon went as faras any, in the pleafing of his flefh with the fulnefs of the world, and in the Concluflon he paffeth this fentence on it, that Ald u vanity and" vexatio*of fpirst. 13 ,2ste.11. 4. MY next Queftion toyou is this : vYbet it tbott you áe feriowfty expect from the world for the time,to come, that fhould perfwadc you to (tick fo clofe to it as you do ? Some great matter lure you think it will do for you ? or elfe you would never fo efieem it. I pray you tell me what it is ? Doyou think verily,that it will makeyou truly happy ? o youexpert that it fisould bring you co heaven ? I fuppofe you do nor. What thenwill it do for you ? It will neither prevent a ficknefs, nor remove it : It cannot take away a tooth -ake, nor a fit of thegout or flone It will not fave you from the jaws of death, nor keepyour bodies from rotting in thegrave , nor bribe the worms or corruption from devouring them. When your Phyfitian tellsyou that your difeafe is uncurable and you fee that there is no waybut one with you, and you mutt be gone , there's no remedy, if then you cry for help to the world, it can- not helpyou : Friends cannot faveyou , Riches and Honours, Houfes and sands cannot preferve you : Death will obey his will that fendeth it, and you muff away. Owho would love that, and love it at fodear a rate , which cannot helpyou in the time of your neceflity ? Who would ferve fuch a Matter, fuch an Idol God , as cannot relieve you in the day of your diftrefs I When confcience is awakened, and begins to fair, and gripeyou and the wrath of God doch look you in the face , will your ho- nours cafe you ? Will your friends deliver you and give you a folid tatting Peace ? You know they will not : You cannot with all the wealth in the world procure the pardon of the fmalleft fin ? You mayget the Popes pardon for money, but not Gods. Youmutt go to Judgement,and if you be'worldlings, muít be damned for ever, for all your wealth. Were you Lords of all the world, it wouldnot fave your fouls fromHell , no nor pro- cure you a dropof water for to cool your tongues. What is it then that youexpea by this world ? Sure you would never fo S z muck