i.3av The Crucifying o,f the rvorld, much love it, and.mas.e fuch a thr for it if you looked for no- thing from it ? Why it is that your flefh may have Tome fatif- faftion in the mean time. And is that all ? Yea : -that is even all. I-fhall then proceed to the next Qutiflion. e¡l. 5. TI Ow long can you that. you ¡hall keep the r1 Ricks Honours which .}on pogefe f Can you fay that they (hall be yours this time twelve- rnoneth ? or to mor- row ? I know you cannot. You-know not when you arife in the morning, whether ever you [hail lie down again alive Not when you lie .do.n at night whether you [hall rife alive. And is a flare of fuch uncertain tenure fo valuable ? You glory in your Honours,and'plea,ures, andpo,!feil ons, and forought youknowwithin this week, or hour, they may be none ofyours ? However, you are certain to be deprived of them ere long i Its adull underftanding indeed; that cannot forefee the day, when he muff be fiript of 'all, and take his final farewell of the -world You know as Pure as you (hall live that you mutt die , and your corpfe be laid in the common dui} t And whole then ilia!! all your pleafure be ? When God calls you away, there's no raffling I Or if becall for anyof your earthly comforts there's no w,th- holding. Then keep them -if you can. The bones-and duff ofyour fore-fathers will not fay, This houfe and land is mine ! Nor do they retain any imprefsof their former earthly,pleafures and fe- licity! Alexander could not know his Father Philip's bones by the fight of them nor find any print of the Crown upon his skull, If you open the-Grave andCoffin of your Grandfathers, you [hall find there no great figns of Riches or of Honour, or any delights. And fhould'you not look on that which will 6e, even as if it Were already ? I cannot but take that which cer- tainly*dike , in a manner as if itwere in being; and that which certainly will not be, as if it Were not : For interpofing time is filch a Nothing, as makes the difference next toNone. What if youmight be the Emperour of the world to day, and muff be as you are again tomorrow, were it defirable , or worthy to be re- garded ? Ir difgraceth thegreateft felicity on earth, to fay, that it;willhaves, exc : The time as near when it willnot 6e. As it ex tenuatcth