Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

By the Croft s of C.bri 33 tenuateth the labours and ítfrenrigs, of a Believer, into a kind of Nothing, to fay that they uì'l ff»rtlj be at an end. That which Will be Nothing, is neat to Ko king. 6. 10 -4 Y next Queffiori to you is this : How do you lY thin. you Jball value the tr rig,', whenit t parr it, g fromyou ? or at thefurthefl, whenJonare newly pprte,i from i; ?-[t a man corne to you onyour death bed , when you fee; that there is no hope of life, and ak-your opinion then of the world will you magnifie it as now youdo ?` When your fpitits are langulh- ing, and your heart fainting and your body even poffeft wick pain, if then one fhould askyou Isthemealti and honours of theworld fuch excellent rh ngs'as once youdeemed than?Do you now think it folly to renounce and forfake them aUfor Chriñ ? What would you then fay ? I befeech you cell me , What think you that you (hall then fay ? Do you think you (hall then ex toll the world , and count them fools thai4 will be perfwaded to forfake it ? Or rather will you not with your felves, O the I ddforfakenit, before it didforfake me VI Will you not cryout, [ Oh vain world ! 'Delairfult world 1 ] And with you had more regarded the durable Riches ?' I think you will. xeff. 7. A 7 Hat is ittbat dying mesadocommonly .binkand [ay of the World ? .If you can obferre w'' all other., fay of it you may partly conjec`ure what mtn . voä thall beof your felves. You have fometimesPure been abc.. fy- ingmen ; (If you have not, you,were belt draw near ei+ern c e- after ; for the hotefe of meurning ú better then the hoop of dasîrti. ) Do you not hear them all cry out of the world, as a worthi. >a thing ? Do you not fee how little good it can then do them And will no warning ferve you ? Surely the judgement of of aidemen ( much more of fomany) is more tobe valued , then of many that are in health and profperity that overvalue the world. You are but in the chafe, and knownot what it is which you do purfue : but they have overtaken it, `and find it S 3 but.