Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

134 TheCrucifyittgof the world, but a feather : Yôu are but in the trying of it , but they have tryed it already , and have found bow little or nothing it can do. You are intangled in the midft of its deceits .: but they begin to fee it bare- fact. Your fenfes are more violent in withdrawing you and perverting your judgements ; but fo arenot theirs, who are languifhing unto death. If yóucome to one of them , that :know they muff die within a few dales, and tell+them that fuch a Lordfhip is fallen to them, or fetch Honour is bellowed on them, or fuch a friend bath,given them great poffelfibns; howwill they regard it ? will they not fay [ Alas,wkat is thát to me, that am prefenrly to leave,the world , and appearbefore theeternal iudge l If you then come to them and offer them loch baits as were wont to catch the glutton, or drunkard, or fornicator, do you think they will regard them ? Would theynot rather cry ft:ame againft him that would then entice them to any lush thing ? Why then fhould you fo value that now, whichall the world will ,vilifieat the laft ,? Que. 8. v OU that now fay,you are not filch fools as tube J. talkt out ofyour Efiates,or Honours,or delights, and that wilfully flick to them againft all that we can fay, I pray you tell me, Whetheryou will Band to this at the Barr of god ? Will you then own thefe Refolutions and fayings or will you not ? Dare you look the Lord Jefus in the face, and CLII him [ d dàd well to fet moreby the tborld then by thee , and the glory avhich thou didJ? pro»si;'e ! l did well to talcmy pleafurefor a time, and to ve ttaremyfalvation.] Youdare not Rand to this atJudge. cuent : I know you dare not : And will you now infiff on that which you dare not ftand:to ? And beof that mind which then youmull condemn your felves ? Do you think that this is a rea- (onable courfe to be ventured on in fogreat a matter ?