By the Croft ofChriftz. 135 (`melt. 9. Y next Q.ileftion is this Dó you ever mean to iYl Repent ofyour f efblyand worldly- mindednefa, or not ? If youdo not, it eeemsyou are far from a Recovery, Ma' ny an one perifheth withbare uneffeCtuall purpofes of Repent, ing : but thofe that have not fo much as fuck a purpofe are gracelefs indeed. But if youdo purpofe to Repent, I would fur- ther askyou , Doyou think tkat is a right mind,,cr a wifecourfe which mutt be Repentedof ?. If it be right and wife-, what need you to-Repent of it ? If it benot wife and right , why will you now retain it, yea and wilfully maintain it, againft the perfwa- fions of God and man ? Doth not this proclaim that you are wilful tanners ? and that you know you fin, and yetwill doit ;: even a ainft your own knowledge and confcience ? that you know the world to bea deceitful! vanity, and yet for all that you will flick to as long as you can, with the negle& of God, and the true felicity ? And canyotexpe&mercy and falvation, that wilfully and knowingly do let your (elves againít it , and re ;e& it ? uefl. io. Y next Queftion which I delire you to an- fwer is this Do you in goodfadnefi take the worldforyour enemy,or for a hindrance toyou in the way to heaven If you do not, why did-you in your Baptifm renounce it , and promife to fight again(! it ? And why have you profeffsd lnce to (land to that Covenant ? And how then can you believe the word of God, which fo often telleth you, what a hinder,=nce Riches and Honours are tomans-falvation ? Butif indeed you believe Oast is yourenemy and hinderancc why tiler, will you loveit, and be impatient if you want it , and take filch pleafure in it, and delire to have more of it ? Do you !Ova to have your falvation hindered or hazarded ? and will you love and long for that which is an enmy to it ? I think the way to heaven is hard enough td the heft. They need not make it harder then iris and he at fo much labour all their lives to make the m- !dyes