136 The Crucïfyi,ngof the world, fèlves more enemies, and more work. and ro block up the way ,` while they pretend to walk in it. O the hypocrifie of a carnali heart! _Hownotorioufly do mens lives cortradiet their tongues ? When they will call the world their enemy, andvow to fight . ágainft it to the death, and at the fame time will labour forit,ard greedily defire.it, as if they could never have enough! That they will make fo much of it, as to negleet God himfelf and their . fah, inn for it, and make it the greatea care and bufinefs of their lives toget and keep it, and all the while profefs that they take it for their enemy ! This is diffembling beyond all bounds offharn,e. Remember this when you are impatient of your low eflate, or contriving further accommodations to your MI) , or hunting after a. fullefface. Are thefe thefigns of enmity to the world ? Do you hate your falvation that you fo love the hin- derers of it ? Either live as you profefs , or profefs as you live. 67.tiffl. I T. V ET further I demand , yvl ether indeedyou do intend to Renounce your Chriftianity and all your hopes of heaven, or not ? If you do, you know whom to blame when you are deprived ofit? And I could with you would firft find our forme better way, or fomething that may be of va- luable confide: ation to repair your lots. But if you fay, you haveno fuch intent ; I further ask , Why then do you do it ? and do it after fo muchwarning ? Do youdifclaimyourChrifti- anity in theopen lighr,and yet fay that you intend no fuch thing ? You cannot do it againflyour will. And that it is in effed a Re- nouncing or Denying your Chriftianity, yea and your falvation, is plain c For your Chriftianitycontaineth a Renouncing of the- world : and therefore it is pant of our Baptifmal Covenant. If then you return to the world which you renounced , you for- fake Our Chriflianity Had you rather forfake the world or Chriít ? One of them you mutt forfake : Forlie bath told you, that [Exceptyouforfake all that you have,you cannot 6e ciples ] Luke14. and that youcannot ferve God andMammon; Had yourather renounce theworld, oryour falvation ? .One of them you mutt let go : For Godbath (aid ,, that the love of ,the World