Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

By theCropof Chrift, 137 world is enmity againf god: and that if anyman love the world., the love of the Father is not in him.]Iftherefore you will Will fay, You hopeyou may keepboth : What do you lefs then give God the lye ? If you will Rill adhere to the world, and yet fay' that you do not renounceyour Chrifianityor Salvation, youmay as wellfay, that though you joyn in Arms with open Rebels , yet doyounot forfake your Loyalty to your Prince ! Or though you live inAdultery, yet you donot forfake your conjugal fide- lity and chaftity : and that you do not call away your life , though you take poyfon,when you know it to be fuch : or though you commit thofe crimeswhich mull he punifhed with death. I befeech you confider well, Why you forfake Chriff , and why you will defiroy your felves , before you do it pall remedy ? Q eft, r z: Y lag Queftion which I defire your .anfwer to is this : `Do Ira indeed thinkthst Godis not bet- ter then the world, and that Heaven is not more deflarble then earth, and an enárefsglory then a tranfirory fliadow l Or is there any comparifon to bemade between them ? Have you confidered what a fad exchange you make ? O unthankful fouls ! Hath not Goddone more for you thenever the worlddid ? Hemade you, and fo did not the world ! He Redeemed you, when none elfe could do 't ! He preferveth you, and provideth for you, and all that you have is fromhis bounty. He cangive health to your 12o- dies, peace to yourconfciences, falvation to your fouls, when the world cannot do it. If the world be better then God in profpe- rity, what makes you call upon God in adverfity ? When any torment feizeth onyour bodies or death draws near and looks you in the face then youdo not cry, O Riches help us ! O Pleafures or Honours have mercy upon us ! But O God have mercy uponus and help us. Can none elfe helpyou in your di- firefs, and yet will you prefer the creature in your profperity Ah poor deluded fouls! that follow the world which will cal/ you off in your greatef4 need, andneglec`l: him that would be faithful toyou for ever ! The time is coming when you fhall cry out, [Theworldbath deceived me ! Ihave laboured for nought ! ] but if you had beenas true to God as you were to it, he would nevec T have