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13'8 The Crarcifying of the world, havedeceived sou. He would have receivedyour departed fouls, and made you like Angels, and raifed your bodies to glory at the laft , and perpetuated that Glory 1 Will your Riches, or Plea- fares , or Honoursdo this ? He would have refcucd you from the devouring flames whichyour inordinate love of the world will bring you to. Omiferable change I to changeGod for the world, it is to change a Crown of Glory for a Crown of thorns: the love of our only friend, for the falles of deceitful enemies : Life for death ; and Heaven for Hell ? O what thoughts will arife in yourhearts, when you are paft the deceit ; and under the fad effe s of it , and (hall review your folly in another world ? ! t will fill your confciences with everlafting honour 9 and makeyou your own accufers and tormentors, to chinkwhat you loft, and what you had for it : To think that you fold God and your fouls and everlafting hopes for a thing of noughr. 2vlrre foolifhly then Efate fold his birth-right for a mefs of pot- tag . If the Sun, and Moon, and Stars were yours , would you exchange them for a lump of clay ? Well finners ! if God and Glory feemno more worth to you then to be flighted for a little flefhly pleafures , you cannot marvail if you have no part, in them. SECT. XIX,._ flReafon and Scripture-Evidence would f rve turn , I dare , ,fay you would by this time be convinced of the n:ce i ty of being Crucified to the world, and the world to yon. But fenfu- ality is uureafonable, and no fayingwill ferve with it ; like a child that will not let go bis apple for a piece of gold. But yet I fhall not ceafe my Exhortation, till I have tryed you a, Itttle further ; ancl if youwill not yield to forfake the world,ypulhall keep it to your greater colt ,, as you keep it againft the clearer light that would convinceyou of your duty. 1. love God, or Would be thought to lave Urn , love not 31e World.For fo far as youLove it,you Love not him,' ? Asever you wouldbe found the friends of God, fee that yoube ene¢nies,, andnot friends to the world. For thefriendfhip of the world is enmity tohim, Yaat. 4, q.. You are ufed to boaftthat