Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

140 TheCrucifying of the world neighbours vexingyou with Law- fuits ; by corrupted wicnefï'es or Lawyers that will fell you for a littlegain ; by ill fervants , by unthrifty children ; by thieves, or fouldiers, or the raging (lames by rellrain'ng the dewof heaven, and caufing your land co den/ its increafe, and make you complain that you have laboured in vain. How manywales Lath he in a day or an hour to (tatter all the heap of wealththat you liáve been gathering and to thew you that by fad experience, which you might have known before at eafier rates i Ar the lea&, if he meddle not with any thing that you have, yet howquickly can he lay his hand upon your felves, and lay you in ficknefs togroan under your pain and fin together; and then what cotrifort will you have in the world ? when head ake's, and back ake's andnoihing can cafe you When pain and languifhingmakeyou weary ofday andofnight, and weary of every place, and wearyof your belt diet,your finch cloathes, your merrie& companions : Where then is the fweec- nefs and beauty of the world ? Then if youlook on houle, or goods, er lands, how little pleafure find you in any of them Efpecially when you know that your departure is at hand , and you mull flay here no longer, but prefently mull away. Oh then. what a carkaife will all the glory of the world appear ? and how fenftbly then will you read, or hear, or think of thefe things,thae nowin your profperity are very little moved by the hearing of them ! . Is it your children that you let your hearts upon, in inordinate Love or Care? Why, alas, howquickly can God call them from you by death ? and then you will follow them to the Church- . yard, and lay them in the grave with fo much the (adder heart ; by how much the more inordinately you loved them. And per - haps God may leave them to be Gracelefs and unnatural , and that childby rebellion or unkindnefs to be the breaking of your heart, whom you moll exceflively affeáed. If it be a wife that you over-love, you know not but they may fall into that peevifhnefsand frowardnefs,that jealoufie or uckindnefs, that perverfnefs of tongue or other dittempers , that may make your lives a very burden to you 1 Do you look after the favour of great ones ? Perhaps you thall feel their injufiice and cruelties andGod will be fo merciful to you as to cure you by the means of their frowns, who would elfe have been infatuated and poy toned