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By the croft of Chri fl. I 41 fonedby their favours. Is it popular applaufe that you fo much regard ; and doth it tickle you tohear ofyour own commendati- ons?Take heed left you provoke God to give youfuch a bitter cor- reetive for your pride, as may make you as vile in the eyes of men, as you defired to. be Honourable. He can quickly giveyou fucha prick in the flefh or fuffer Euch a Meffenger of Satan to buffet you, as {hall humble you to your forrow. Perhaps he may let you fall into Come difgraceful fin , which the world may ring of to your reproach : Or if you be never fo innocent, the tongues of men may make you guilty. If you, be as chaff as any man, it is carte for a flanderous tongue to make you incontinent, and to lay force odious blot upon your name which thall never be wiped off, till the judge of all the world (hail juftifie you. If you give to thepoor andother charitableufes as far as you are able, it is not hard for flanderous tongues to make you fecal uncharitable and covetous. If you be never fo temperate, in meat and drink, apparel and recreations its eafie for a flanderer to make you feem a proud , or luxurious fcandalous man. The weather-cock is not more unconfiant, nor the waves more impe- tuous, then the giddy raging vulgar are. And will you repofe your felves in the thoughts of fuch ? They that applaud you in profpe:ity, and when you fit their turns, will defpife you in ad- verfity, and rage againft you, as if you were unworthy to live , when once youcrois theiropinions and delires. If you are fo pufe up that you love the praife of men, perhaps God may make you run the gantlope through townand countrey , and fuffer every venemous tongue to fpeak (words to your heart, and have a lath at your reputation; till you have learned to. {land to Gods approbation , and to account it a fmall thing to be Judged of man. Yea if it be reputation withGodly men that you dote upon, its poffible that the tonguesevenof godly menmay become your fcourge. Sometimes their ears lie open to the flanders that worfer men have railed, and they think it no great fin to report the reproaches which they have heard from others : And fome- time through Temptationsand the remnant of their corruptions, they are ready to be the principal authors themfel.ves. ]f you differ from them in any opinion in which they expect reputati- on themfelves, or if youcontraditt them, or !land in the way of T 3 their