L 144 The Crucifying of the world, felves, by receiving the flander at fir!i.from fome one that had the advantage to procure a belief of it : Its like it was a feeming godly manchat had been Davids ownfamiliarfriend, in whom be moiled, and Which did eat of his bread : Yet was he ufed in this kind by filch , Plal. 41. 6,7, 9. And PM. 55. 12, 13, 14. he faith, L It was not an enemy that reproached one then I could bave barn it ; nei her was it be that hatedme , that did magnifie himfelf againfi me ; then Imouldhave hidmy felf from bim : but it was thou, a man, mine e1 guide and mine acquaintance; We took fleet counfel tog .thtr;and walked to the Haufe of God in com- pany.] Obj. But (perhapsyou may think ) Ile walk fo carefully and innocently that no man(ball bave any matter of fifth reproach. Anfm. a . There is none of the imperfect Saints onearth that can be free from giving all occafions of reproach. z. And were you perfeekly innocent, it would not free you. Nay your inno- cency it felt may be the occafion of thofe reports that proclaim you wicked. For it is not that which really is a fault, but that which they think fo, that is the matter of fuch mens accufations. TheApoftles of Chrif} that walked in filch eminent holirefs and (elf denyal, and confumed themfelves for the good of others , could not efcape the tonguesof flanderers , but were accounted as the very (cum and o,T fcouring of all things, and as a by-, word, and even a gazing flock to Angels and men. And the blef- fed Sonof God, who was holy, harmlefs, undefiled andfepara- ted from finners , was yet reputed one of the greateft of (inners, and Crucified as fuch. And he that could challenge them, [which of you convincetb me of fin ? ] was commonly defanìed of what he was innocent of. If jtchn came falling, they fay he bath a De- vil. If Chrif'; eat and drink temperately with finners, that he might take opportunity to feed their fouls, they fay , [ Behold 4 mangluttonous and a wine- bibber, afriendofpublicans andfinners] Mat. i s . 18, 19. They that law him eat and drink with finners, bad fo fair a pretence toraife their reproach, that they might the Y ee Eral eafilyer procure belief, though it was perfeft innocency it felf Epiti. ad which they reproached. The heft men on earth have ever had Alphonf. experience , that there is no caution that can defend from a flan- annul ¡fui derous tongue. As Erafm:w once calumniated, faith, [ Fatah: ¡do eft marbcu calumniandi amnia. Et clauf+s aculia carpunt, quad net widens,