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By the CroftcfChrift. 14F vident, net intell,gunt Tanta eft et; orbi vis : Atque interim fabi videntur E'cclefia celumna, quern nihil aliud pans aradxcant[sem foiiditatern, pari malitia conjurrllam,&c.; Howoft was good Me- lanjbon fain to complain, that there is no defence againft a -quarrelfom flanderous tongue ; and the too much feule of it did ' .almoft breakhis heart. Obj. But at leaft l canflees the Philofcpher; If they Will re: preach me and[peal_ evil of irse , I Wilily live that nobody /hall be- lieve them. Wherever there be men to make the report there will lightly be enough to believe it : And if they that know you will not believeit, yet thats but a few to the molt ofthem abroad that hear of you, and know you not. You may fee then by this time, if Reputationwith menbe the thing you over-value, what a vainuncertain thing it is; and how eafily God can make your forrow arife even from thence where you'expeaed your vain applaufe. . And you will find by experience if you do not prevent it, that while you overvalue this or any earthly thing, you are in the road to thereaftlictions. It is Gods ordinary dealing with his children, and frequentlywith others, to punifh them by their Idols , and to make them fickeftof that which they have molt greedily furfeited of. Could you but Crucifie the world, and ufe it for God, it would have no power thus to vex and crucifie your minds. It is you that sharpen it, and arm it againft your felves, and give it all the flrength it bath, byyour over - valuing &over. loving it. Its like a Spaniell that will love thofe belt that beat him : but if you cocker it, it will fly in your faces. Obj. ßr,t Imayfall under all theft of¿fiions Whether Ilove the World or not. esfnfvo. r . But your perverfe affections do provoke God to multiply futh af11ic`tions. Had you not rather.beár a fmaller mea- lure ,'and tafle of a cup that hath lefa of the gall ? z. And if you were but Crucified to the world, the fame AfflicStions would be as nothing to yourmind, which now feem fogrievous to you, and caft you into fuck vexations and difcontents. if it did as much to your flefh it could not reach the heart ; and if all be found andwell within, its no great matter how it is without. The very fame kind of ailiióion , whether it be poverty, ficknefs la Handers