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148 The Crwcifyitg of the world, your folly, O what a cutting thought will this be, Luke 16. z5. To remember that you chofe yourgood things in this life, will be a fad Remembrance, when all is gone. The Lord it the portion ofhis Saints inheritance, Pfalm 16. 5. even their portionfor ever , Pfalm 73. 26. their portion in the Landof the living, Tfal. 142. 5. and this was it that encouraged them to labour, patience and hope, Tfaltn 119.5z, Lam. 3.24 2.5,'26. But for the worldling, [The heaven (hall reveal bis iniquity and the earthJhallrife up againff him, the increafe of his boufe¡hall depart , and his goods fhall flow away in the day of wrath. This is the portion of a wickedmanfrom Cod , and the heritage appointed to him by God , fob zo. ,37 38. 39 If you can be content with loch a Portion, make much of the world, and take your flefhly pleafures while you may i But if youhope for the everlaff ing portion of Believers, away with the world,andCrucifie it without any more ado, and fet your hearts on the portion which you, hope for. SECT. XX. Aving Paid as much as is fuitable to the other parts of this difcourfe , to perfwade you to be willing to Crucifie the world, I fhall next give force Directions ro thofe that re perfwaded ,, and tell you by what means the work may be-dene And I befeech you mark them, and refolve topractife them. - Divert,.