15z The Crucifying of the world, Dina-. 2. jf? E fare that you receive net afalfe piastre of the 1t.ÿ World intoyour minds; or if you have received fetch an one, fee that you blot it out ; andthigh, of the creature truly u it w. The molt are deceived and undone by mif- appre- henfions. A s if a man fhould dote on an ugly harlot "becaufe of a painted face, or becaufe he feeth a beautiful pieture, which is faifly pretended to be hers. The world in it felt is vanity and infufficiency : As op fofite to God, it is poyfon and enmity to us : But molt men conceive of it as if it were the very feat of their felicity, and fo are enamoured of they kñow not what. If men did not entertain falle apprehenfions of God, and his holy wales, as being againft them, or hurtful to them, or-needlefs and uncom- fortable they could not be fo much againft them as they are : And fo if they didnot entertain falle apprehenfions of the crea- ture and the wales of fin they couldnot 'be fo much for them nor embrace them with fo much delight. For they draw in their fancies fcme odious pietureof the biefred God, and his waies,and therefore they arc averle to them : And fo they draw in their fancies fome falle alluring picture ofthe world, and make it feem to be what it is not ; and therefore they admire it. ;So that tt e rightway to rcetifieyour A ffeetions, is firfi to rfe}fhe your Coñ ceptions:I would not have you think worfe ofthe world then, de- ferves, but only perfwade you to judge of it as it is. ao -uo-t dream of a Pallace in the air, and then be enamoured on the matter of yourdrearns.You think the world is fome excellent thing,and will do Come great matters for you , and that they are happy men that abound with its riches, and honours, anddelights. I befeech you Sirs, return toyour wits.; I told youbefore, that thole that have tryed the world think otherwife of it : They that have feen the utmoft that it cando, do (hake the head at it, as the blind unbelievers did atChrift, when they fee him hanging on the Crofs. Why then fhouldyou beof fo differing a mind ? Come nearer and confider what it is that you admire ? Is it not the great Deceiver of theNations ? the bait of the Devil, by which he angles for fouls ? If you should fall in love with a poi that were dreft in the final cloathes,it were a difgrace to your under- ftandings