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154 The Cracifying of the world, at an end : fhe hour is almófl come already, wherein you (hall fay of all your pleafure , It is pall and gone. And will you trou- ble your felves and ruine your poor fouls, for luch a fleeting tranfitory thing ? Will you be at fo much cofl, and labour to build an houle, that before you have finifhed ir, will be fpurned down by death in a moment ? O that you wouldbut Rill think of the world as it is, and take off the glofs, and wafh away the painting which deceiveth you , and look on it naked, as fhortly you (hall do ; and then it could not have that power to bewitch you as now it hath, but you would fee that your lntereff lyeth not in it, and that you have greater matters that call for your regard ; and this is the way to Crucifie you to the world. DireEl. 3. H E Crucifying of the world doth very much depend upon the Crucfjirg of the flr¡h. For I have toldyou before, that the flefh is the mailer Idol, and the world is bua¡s provifion, and the Devils bait. And therefore it is the life of carnality that is the life of the world in you. When men have an Appetite that muff needs be fatisfied, and muß have thg meat and drink which it defires, and it is as much to them to deny their appetites, as if it: were force great and weightybufi- nefs ; thefe beafis are far from Crucifying the world. For they ,mull needs look after provifion for there Appetites : He that mull have the fweetefl morfelc,and the plea(ants drink, muff needs look after provifion to maintain it. And he that bath a Proud corrupted mind, that mil needs be fomebody in the eyes of others, and therefore mutt needs be cloathed with the bell: , and placed with the highell, and keep company with the greate(l or the idleli and merriefl cornpanions,thisman doth think that he Muff needs have provifion to maintain all this. Noman doth ad- mire the world, but he that Judgeth by his flefhly Intel-eft, and is a Rave to his fenfuality. Set Reafon in the throne : let Faith il- luminate and advance it : fubdue your inordinate fer.rual de- fires And then the world will wither of it felf. The (ervants will hide their heads, or comply,if the Maller be once conquer- ed. Nay you may then prefs the world upon a better ferv.ce; Remember that your fenfual Appetite was made in order to the pre-