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i 5 6 The crucifyingof she world, fires : And conícience loth as it were ffand over it with a Rate , and faith, Meddlewith it if thou dare : And fornetime the poor fine=r is reftr.tin:d : and fometime again hevenrureth upon the prey, and he .cat had condemned himfelf for his tin cloth turn to his former vomit, and once more he mutt have his whore , or his cups ; and then coní fence takes him by the throat and ter- rifieth him ; andmakes him forbear a. hale while again : And thus the poor firmer is toff up and down ; and Satan leads him captive at his will : And becaufe he findeth a combare within him, he thinks it is the combate between the flefh and the faneti- fying Spirit ; when alas, its no more but the combate between the fletband an inlightened confcience, aflìfted with the motions of common grace, which becaufe they re6fl and trample under- foot, their condemnation will be the greater. ti!Vould you then have the boiling of lour corruptions abated ? Put orit the fire that camttb them to boil ; or elfe you trouble your felves in vain. Mortifie the flefh once, and get it under, and (corntobe a (lave to a fenfual appetite, but let it be all one to you to difpleafe it as ro pieafi it and leave :firth trifles as pleafant meats, and drinks, and dwellings, and fine cloathes, to children and fools that have no greater things to mind and ufe the flefh as a fer- vent to the foul, fupplying it with neceffaries, but correcting it if it do but crave fuperfluities ; Do this and you will eafiiy Crucifie the world. For the world is only for the flab. For faith obi:, B john 2. 16. 411 that is in the *orldis tbt /aft oferbe f ej7 the 14 of the eye', and pride of life, sihich are not of ,the Father,6at rf the warld. And the world pa(retb away, and the ta¡f thereof, Eat. he that dith the +rr of God abudetb fir ever.] Re member that he that faith in my text, that he is Crucified ro the world, (loch fay alfo,Ga1. 5. 24 that, They that are Chrifis have Crucified the flefh with the of elions and lufïs. i This is ro kill the world at the Root, ( for it is Rooted in the flefhly Int'erefi.) When c,therwife you will but lop off the branches, add they wilt quickly grow again, .Duerr,