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By the Crofs of CbriJl. 157 Direll. q. j E fore to keepyour minds intent upon the Greater 1..5 matters of everlafltng life , andallyour Affelli- ans implayed thereupon. Diver»nmuß be your cure : Efpecially ro fo powerful and tranfcendent an objeei. Be once acquainted with Heaven by a life of faith ; and it will fo powerfully draw you to it felf, that youwill be ready to forget earth and take it as a kind of Nothing. Get up to God, and fix the eyeofyour foul on him ; and his glory will darken all the world, and relate you from the mif-leadings of that falle fire that did delude you. Come near him daily,and tafie how good he is ; and the fweet- nefs of his love will make you marvail at them that chink the world fo fweet ; and marvail at your felves that you were ever of fuck a mind. You cannot think that the world will be call out of your Love , but by the appearance of fomewhat better then it felt. You mull go to Heaven therefore for a writ of ejeetment. You mull fetch a beauty, a pleafure from above,shat (hall abafe ir, and filence ir, and fhame its competition. O what is earth and all things in it, to him thatbath had a believing, live- ly thought of Heaven ! Nothing below this will ferve the turn. Youmay think long enough of the troubles of the world , and long enough confefs its vanity, before youcan Crucifie it, if you fee not where you may have fomething that is better. The poor- eli life will feem better thennone; and a little in hand, will be preferred before n^certain hopes. Till faith have opened Hea- ven to you , as being the Evidenceof the things invifible, and have (hewed you that they are not fhadows but fubfiances, which the promife revealeth, and Believers do expel ; you will befill holding fail that little that you have ; a-nd you will fay in your hearts as tome do with their tongues , [ 1 know what I have in this world , but Iknow not what 1 fhsll have in another. Brit the knowledge ofGod will loon make you ofanothar mind. Let in God into the foul, and he will fill it with himfel , and leave no room for earth and flefh. Learn what it is to walk with him, and to have a converfation in heaven, and it will cure you of your earthlymindednefs,Phil. 3. t 8, 19.. There is noconfidence betweenEarth and Heaven. All men are either Earthly, or Hea- venly minded. None therefore but the truly Heavenly B Bever X 3 path