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158 T"he Crucifying of the world, bathCrucified the world. But becaufe I have laid more of this elfewhere, I now forbear. Direa. y. ' `}o Nderfand ra'e11 theright tile and end of alltrea- d tares; andmake it your bufinefs accordingly to im- prove them. I have told you before that they are all for God , and glaffes wherein we may fee his face, and books in which we may read hisName and Will. Look after God in them ; andne- ver come toa creature , without either an aduall or at leaft an habitual! IntendingofGod, as the end thereof. Judge that crea- ture unprofitablewherein you receive notfomewhat of God, or do not fomewhat for him by it. Take not up with lower thoughts and ufes of it. Its one of the commoneft and greateft fins, ( and I doubt with molt profeffors of Religion) to ufe the creature for themfelves , and to over-look God in his works and in their mercies, and fo to prophane them, and turn them into in. Do you underftand what is meant by this that, To the pure all things are pure ; and that ,all things arefanElified to us ?All Mould be Holy to Holy men. Tobe Holy is to be feparated untoGod , from common bafe inferiour ufes. If you your felves are fepa- rated tó God, all creatures will be farid.ified toyou ; they will be the Meflengersof God, the revealers of his will, and his Re- membrancers to your fouls : And you will ufe them accordingly in that meafure as you are fant`tified.) As we call the Temple and Utenfils of Gods worfhip Holy, becaufe they are devoted to "Gad for his fpecial fervice : So may we call our meat, and drink,and lands, and houles, our corn, and grafs, and every plant, and flower Holy (in their places.) When the fanetified foul doch read his Makers name upon them, andadmire, and fear, and love him in them , and Rudy how toufe them for himfelf. You will confefs that he is a prophaner of Holy things indeed that can readover the Scripture , and never obferve thename of God in it, or elfe regard it but as a common word, and ufe that Book but as a common Book: Though I do not equal the creatures with theScriptures, in clearnefsor fulnefs of difcovering the will of God, yet feeing that it alto is one of his Books, ( and that more legible and glorious then force inobfervant wretches dobelieve ) I would intreate ail that fear -Cod to lay thismore to heart; and