Bj the Croft ofChrifiz. r 59 and to confider for the time to come , Whether it be not Pro- phannefs , even flat Prophannefs, to ufe Gods works as common and unclean, and toover-lookhim, who is the life, and fenfe,and gloryof them ? And whether it be not a fin that we are all too guilty of, to take up with felfifhcarnal ufes of afmoft all the works of God, when we fhould [till ufe them all to higherends ? I fear this great unholinefs in our ufing of the world and all therein , is little bewailed incomparifonof what it ought to be. Some Chriftians are apt enough to hearken totheir priviledges and titles of honour given them by the Lord ; but they confider not that all thefe are for God, and therefore oblige us to anfwer- able duty. Study well thofe higheft titles , that are given you in I Pet. 2. 5, 9. Too are built upa Spiritual hoof, an holy `f' iefl- hood , to offer up Spiritual facrifices accceptable to God h y fir3 Chrift. ] And what's aSpiritual houfe for, but the habitation of the Lord, and the performance of his fervice ? And furely thefeholy Priefts mutt fetch their facrifice from all the creatures that are fit for facrifice. And Verf. 9. Te are a chofen Generation, aRoyal Prrsffbood,an holy Nation,apeculiar people, thatyouAmid /belleforth the Praifet of him that bath calledyou out of darkyeft intohsr_marvellosu light.] And mull not a people foholy, and peculiar, adoreand'hallow the Lord in his works ? Though you be not called teMinifter at his Altar, you are called to fee him, and fan ti&etìim in his creatures, and in all that you have to do with. Gods works arepart of his name and therefore fee that you take not his name in vain. You are brought nearer him then the reft of the world : and therefore remember that he will be fan&ified of all that draw near him. You have learned in point of Receiving to rife with Peter, kill andeat and not to call that common which God bath cleanfed : See that you . learn it allo in point of duty, and in regard of the ufe of the creatures which you receive ; and take them not as common things, for common flefhlyufes only, ascommonmen do ; but remember that they are cleanfed, and that you prophanely devour them,further then God is intended in them. By this -inn you may perceive that the Crucifying of the world is by its trueft Exaltation and Improvement , and that it is fo far from being your lofs, as that it will proveyour greateft gain. Iwould commend it toyouall that defire_ to live a life of holinefs, s